How we are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic: A Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI) experience

RELI Kenya members engaging government education officials during the competency based curriculum (CBC) conference in 2019. "Stay home and keep safe" this message is on a loop in our minds as we see and hear it everywhere we go. We are living in uncertain times, and it is impossible to predict the future. There isContinue reading "How we are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic: A Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI) experience"

Taking Stock; May-June 2018

Creating : meaningful content for our next quarterly project e-newsletter.Cooking : Managu in coconut cream, dry fried beef & Ugali.Drinking : The dawa concoction, ideal voice recovery strategy after a fun-filled long weekend.Reading: Currently on Big Girl by Danielle Steel, just bought my next read as well; eat-pray-love by Elizabeth Gilbert.Wanting: To go on aContinue reading "Taking Stock; May-June 2018"